With their ruffles, rosettes and reverse growing hair

Disaster of a Situation

From 2024, New Zealand Unique and Rare Guinea Pigs club declared the Bonnet as a 'lost breed' and will unlikely have a comeback.

The bonnet was a unique pedigree guinea pig (cavy) breed and was exceptionally unusual with their ruffles, rosettes and reverse growing hair.

Many years ago, cavy judge and exhibitor named Ethel Mckeown of Nemora Cavies created the Bonnet.  She bred two self-cavies together with the resulting litter all born with a fur fault.  Ethel liked the appearance of this fur fault and decided to do selective breeding to develop this fault.

Ethel started showing them under the section of Rare Varieties and exhibited them at the 17th National Show in 1997, three of which were placed.  The Bonnet Standards followed and by the 20th National Show in 2000 they were included in the Rough-coat Group.  There were show standards for the Satin version, which has a shine.  Like all New Zealand unique breeds, they were only supported by Independent Cavy Clubs.

Bonnets are in a disaster of a situation and is a reminder that all breeds are equal and deserve support, be it a New Zealand created breed or not.

Exclusive Breed Bonnet Cavy being judged

Bonnet Quick Facts

•  The only pedigree breed known to have ruffles, rosettes and reverse growing hair worldwide

•  This NZ lost breed would have been over 20 years old

•  Bonnet was created by a senior cavy judge located in Whangarei, Northland NZ

•  Devastatingly, from 2024, our club has declared the Bonnets are a 'lost breed' and unlikely to have a comeback

Unique Bonnet Guinea Pig Breed

Bonnet Genetics

The dominant gene R gives rosettes in the coat while rr cavies are smooth coated.

The effect of R is enhanced by the modifying genes mm, so that RRmm cavies are fully rosetted. Rrmm cavies may lack some rosettes.

Where the genotype is RrMM or RRMM the cavy nearly always has the hair on its toes growing backwards up the foot or in small whirls.



© New Zealand Unique and Rare Guinea Pigs 2024